
lunes, 9 de noviembre de 2020



Hello everyone, today I will talk to you about the vacations that until now have been one of my favorites and of which I have the most beautiful memories, they were a long time ago, in my childhood.

 It was in 2008, I was 8 years old and my aunt invited us to the beach, we were my grandmother, my mom, my sister, my aunt and I, specifically we went to Pichilemu, located in the VI Region.

I remember that we woke up very early that day, around 5 a.m., took the first bus we found and left. It was a long trip, but the view was beautiful. We stayed there for a week, we rented a cabin located near the beach, it was a big, comfortable and nice place, from there you could hear the sea, there was no good phone signal, we were disconnected from everything, so we just enjoyed ourselves.

That week was great for me, we visited several craft fairs, we explored several places nearby like Punta de Lobos, La Puntilla, during the day we visited all the attractions of the city and the natural areas, we bathed on the beaches, we rode in the carriages, we watched the sunsets, some nights we went to a game fair, it was a very fun and adventurous experience.

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