
miércoles, 2 de diciembre de 2020



I am currently studying Chemistry and Pharmacy. There are subjects in the study program that are really relevant to my career, but there are other subjects that are totally unnecessary in my opinion, eliminating them from the program would significantly decrease the workload and length of the career, which is already quite extensive in comparison to other universities. In addition, there are annual subjects that increase the length of the program when you fail them.

Another change in the faculty would be to improve the infrastructure, for example, the classrooms, more green areas, because our faculty is mostly surrounded by cement,

upgrade the lab room and have more places to study. I believe that our faculty is poor in terms of technology compared to other faculties, has very few computers available for work and most of the time they are busy and projectors that sometimes don't work.

Each teacher has his or her own method of teaching, and it is somewhat more complicated to change, since they have been teaching the same way for several years now and some refuse to implement new things or the use of technology in their classes. You always learn and understand better with one teacher than with another, but you don't always have the possibility to be with them, since the subjects are mostly divided into sections.

             I know the changes are expensive, but they would be worth it for a better education.

4 comentarios:

  1. I agree with eliminating some subjects to decrease the duration and the workload career

  2. Could you imagine that all faculty's labs had a personal paper dispenser? It would be wonderfull XD

  3. I would also love to have more green areas, I think it clears the mind a lot and maybe even helps reduce stress.

  4. I completely agree with you on the subject of teaching methods, although it is something that is sometimes difficult, every teacher has his or her own way and can no longer be changed.
